Almost a Pet Nat But Still a Tasty Perry 2023

Oliver’s Almost a Pet Nat But Still a Tasty Perry 2023

Regular price £35 , per case

Medium Dry Sparkling Fine Perry

A blend of Herefordshire grown perry pear varieties such as Green Horse, Butt and Hendre Huffcap from young bush trees, conditioned in the bottle in a pet nat style.

Nice pet natty pop on opening. Fresh citrus, pine and lime on the nose and a full and chewy mouthfeel with more lime and sherbet. Wonderful as a celebratory drink on its own whilst having the ability to go along with classic perry combinations of food such as light cheeses, Chicken Fricassee. Abv 4.3%

You can also find this bottle in Oliver's Fine Perry Selection. 

Free Shipping on all orders over £70 (exceptions apply, see shipping page). Free shipping on any size order for delivery to East or North East London (see shipping page for list of postcodes).

First things first, are you of legal drinking age?

No, but I'm working on it